Life has been busy this week. Booking a wedding venue, planning a move to our next apartment, finding out if there will be more layoffs at my 2nd job (this being my first), running two online College Football 25 dynasties. Have not had much time to write but now find myself 40,000 feet up in the air traveling home from my fiancee’s friend’s proposal surprise party. My soon to be wife is next to me playing an iPad game where she makes pizzas. Life of a cuffed up man in his mid twenties! Some guy just walked past me on this mostly empty flight wearing a Carroll University shirt and was squeezing his hands together elbows tucked in like he was groping an imaginary pair of tits. I tried writing on my way TO Dallas but had nothing to talk about until I was at breakfast and got on the topic of best Chicago streets with the boys (significant others). Guy just walked back from the bathroom with his arms out like a field goal went through the uprights all the way down the aisle. Speaking of, going to miss part of Eagles Commanders game! Who planned this! Who did this to me! Anyways I have lived in Chicago for the past 4 years and this is what my hungover as balls 13% recovery (*Whoop*) score has come up with passing time.
5. Wacker
By the river, pretty sweet views, what’s not to like. Not going to act like I spend my Saturdays on lower Wacker drive, but I did propose there, so some sentimental value along with seeing it every time I commute to work (job that pays my bills).

4. Randolph Street
It may not be as personal, but Randolph is pretty sweet. I think Randolph could be up there for some people’s top 3’s maybe even 1 depending on how much they like Texan Taco. My softball team salivates.

3. Wells
Damn this guy must like the drink, eh? Feel like Wells has been so overrated that it’s underrated, or however that saying goes. Bar scene obviously carries the most weight here but some good food spots (that also serve booze).

2. Southport
I love Southport. Lived right off of it for 2 years and just loved the vibes. Nice weather weekend it’s damn near unmatched. Great food, though the bar scene lacks a workhorse for the front of the rotation. Holy shit I’m about to punch a baby. Can’t imagine how awful this nonstop crying is for people that don’t have noise cancelling headphones. Was having a great time remembering Fall Saturday walks on Southport to the gym and this baby will not stop. Fucking relentless.

1. Clark Street
Is this even a discussion? Cream of the crop. Heavyweight World Champion. Goat of Goats. Could go on and on about Clark Street, but I’ll start by saying Wrigley field is my favorite place to be and Clark is a great host. Moving a step down from a federal landmark are some great bars. Once again so overrated it became underrated (or however that saying goes). No, you don’t have to be fresh out of college to hit those Clark Street bars. Yes, you have to be a guy. No chicks allowed outside of Cubs season and Christmas. Keep going South and you have Lincoln Park’s Clark Street which is a great time. Good coffee and bars littered down this street. You’ve got softball fields, parks and ending up right by North Avenue beach.

That’s all I got. Just ran into a little turbulence and feel like we are starting to nosedive. Hopefully get this blog out!!
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