Back With a Bang – Severance Season 2 Ep. 1 & 2 Review + Looking Ahead

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It only took 3(!!!) years, but Severance is finally back and already proving to be worth the wait after just 2 episodes.

I, like most, was blown away by season 1 – I’d never seen a story like it. I could dive into everything I loved about this show heading into this season, but this is for season 2; so if you’re reading this you already know it all.

From the jump, Ben Stiller & Co. made it clear they’re not messing around. A black screen while we hear the last line of S1, “SHE’S ALIIIIIVE”; the elevator doors opening; and Mark taking off in search for the Wellness Room and his outie’s wife was a HOT start. I know we were all on edge anticipating what the fallout would be for the innies after executing their plan in the cliffhanger S1 finale too… thankfully, we only had to wait 2 episodes to find the answers to many of our questions.

Mark outsmarting Milchick (AWESOME start for both characters btw) and forcing Lumon’s hand to bring his team back together was the moment I knew we were hitting the ground RUNNING. That excitement quickly turned to dread though after my/our worst fears were all but confirmed with Helly’s outie being the one at work instead of Helly R. Thank God Irving only told Dylan about what he saw in the outside world… seems he’s got some suspicion directed Helly’s way for sure while loverboy Mark is probably gonna get totally duped by Helly Eagan (hope not). Either way, glad the gang is mostly back together and I think Episode 3 this week will really set this season’s plot into motion.

Episode 2 with the outie’s was a really cool episode. The inside look into how each of them are experiencing life outside of Lumon’s doors was eye-opening and added a deeper element to the characters we’ve already grown so attached to. Especially with Irv. I think he’s gonna be Mr. Clutch this season after his phone call to let somebody know his “innie got the message”… Burt pulling up at end too – oh my, we are in for a doozy!!! Helly and Harmony “Cobelvig” had their standoff but I’m still wondering where Cobelvig’s arc is heading, so I’m not gonna speculate until I see more. Mark and Helly will be a nutty dynamic this season too – so much going on there already.

So glad I’m already feeling the way I did when I started S1 – no doubt big things are in store for us this season: this next ep can’t come soon enough. Expecting a little balance between outie and innie screentime this next ep but think we’ll spend more time on the innie’s this time around in order to get us even more hungry for the outie plot in Ep 4. I’ll definitely be in the twitter/X threads looking to talk Severance this weekend. Follow me @CakesBLNT

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